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Unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property rights of this website and material on the website are copyrighted property of Lawn Cure © 2024. All materials and information including but not limited to, text, images, software, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, forms, and all content is copyrighted by Lawn Cure and may not be used or reproduced without explicit written permission from the copyright owner.

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Aspects of the website design, including web development, software development, company branding, digital marketing, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, blog interfaces, and online photo galleries are performed by Louisville, Kentucky Web Design Company, Logic Media, Inc. Logic Media reserves the right to include this website design on their Web Design Portfolio.

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Lawn Care Tips from the Pros


The Heat Is On!!

Taking care of your lawn and garden during our super hot summer days can be a bit tricky, but following a few tips, your plants and grass will stay happy and healthy! First, let's talk about watering our thirsty turf. Giving your lawn a nice, deep drink, but not too often, is key – 4-5x’s/week. It's best to run your irrigations/sprinklers early in the morning when the sun isn’t too strong, so the water doesn’t just disappear into thin air. Try to avoid night watering as… Read More »


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